The Most Valuable Minutes

The Most Valuable Minutes

If you take a few minutes to perform this simple little process it will add significantly to the results you get for your practice members and the bottom line you create for your practice.

When it comes to building a profitable practice, many Chiropractors think that every office visit holds the key to their success.

How to make the switch from 1:1 to Group Coaching -- Without Losing Any Clients

Some chiropractors embrace it and some just won't get around to it but those who do consistently outperform those who don't ;

Chiropractors often overlook the significance of every office visit beyond showcasing expertise

Focusing solely on demonstrating expertise misses out on valuable opportunities for connection and relationship-building with patients

I just uploaded 'The Most Valuable Minutes' Worksheet – would you like a copy?

This little habit produces significant results in chiropractor’s practices. From my experience having had well over 50 associates and coached thousands of chiropractors, there is a relationship between the success of their practice (by numerous measurements) and the application of this procedure.

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