This Simple, Plug & Play Tool Will Increase Your PVA Overnight!

chiropractors #1 frustration Is patients That stop coming in Once they are out of pain.

One of the greatest challenges chiropractors face is the frustration that arises when new patients stop coming in when they are out of pain.

Are you trying to educate people about chiropractic and they just don’t seem to get it? 


Or they seem to understand but still don’t follow through with the recommended care?

Discover this incredible solution that produces outstanding results in turning skeptical patients into long term inspired practice members.

The Journey Resource Pack makes sure that your practice members understand these key points:

  • Life is a Journey of interconnected physical, chemical and emotional events.
  • ​​Our history creates our present and determines our future.
  • Degenerative conditions are created over time.
  • ​​The symptom focused ‘Health Care System’ is broken. 
  • ​Chiropractic offers a different way to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • ​Chiropractic offers a ​strategy to regain health.
  • ​The body does not heal – it regenerates. 
  • ​Regeneration takes time in proportion to a person’s journey so far.

Chiropractors who can get this message across to people are the chiropractors who have practices where people stay, pay and refer for a lifetime!

The Journey Resource Pack Gives Your Practice The Tools To Get This Message Across To Your Practice Members In A Consistent And Predictable Way.

The Pre-Care Appointment (PCA) Video is your practice members’ introduction to chiropractic. The video gives an overview of the health care system and where chiropractic fits in. 

The PCA is designed to be presented to the new person, ideally after their Initial Consultation and the Report of Findings visit, and before you give your Recommendations for Care. After watching the PCA video your practice members are more able to make an informed choice about the care they need, resulting in better compliance and results.

Sample of the PCA video:
The Regenerative Care Appointment (RCA) Video is designed to be given to people at the end of their Stabilisation Care as a reminder of where they are in their journey and the benefits and options of continuing the journey through to Regenerative Care.

The RCA discusses the commitments and agreements that are required for this next stage of their journey. This presentation should be an integral component of your informed consent process and empowers people to make better choices in their Chiropractic experience.

Sample of the RCA video:


  • The PCA video – an animated, interesting & fast moving video        presentation for your Pre-Care Appointment    Value:  $475
  • ​The PCA Questionnaire – to test for comprehension 3 weeks after          viewing the PCA    Value:  $49 _____________
  • The RCA video – the Regenerative Care Appointment presentation      continues to develop the persons understanding of the regeneration process    Value:  $475
  • ​The RCA Questionnaire – to test for comprehension 3 weeks after             viewing the RCA   Value:  $49 _____________
  • ​Branding – your practice's branding for the PCA and RCA videos    Value: $149
  • PCA and RCA Implementation videos – to assist in you getting        the most from the presentations       Value:  $137
  • ​​2 PowerPoint Presentations of the PCA and RCA – with the script in presenter notes, so you can present to groups in a live setting        Value:  $590
  • ​​The entire scripts of the presentations – so you can easily learn the presentations          Value:  $195 _____________
  • 2 Journey posters – for easy reference to the model in your          adjusting area        Value:   $150
  • 2 Spinal Decay posters - to display in your adjusting area              Value:  $150
  • Total Value $2,419
  • The PCA video – an animated, interesting & fast moving video presentation for your Pre-Care Appointment                                          

  • ​The PCA Questionnaire – to test for comprehension 3 weeks after viewing the PCA

  • The RCA video – the Regenerative Care Appointment presentation continues to develop the person's understanding of the regeneration process                                         

  • ​The RCA Questionnaire – to test for comprehension 3 weeks after viewing the RCA

  • ​Branding – your practice's branding for the PCA and RCA videos

  • PCA and RCA Implementation videos – to assist in you getting the most from the presentations

  • ​​2 PowerPoint Presentations of the PCA and RCA – with the script in presenter notes, so you can present to groups in a live setting

  • ​​The entire scripts of the presentations – so you can easily learn the presentations 

  • 2 Journey posters – for easy reference to the model in your adjusting area

  • 2 Spinal Decay posters - to display in your adjusting area

                                                                                                   Total Value $2,463

------------------------------------------------------- $597

------------------------------------------------------- $49

------------------------------------------------------- $597

------------------------------------------------------- $49

------------------------------------------------------- $149

------------------------------------------------------- $137

------------------------------------------------------ $590

------------------------------------------------------- $195

------------------------------------------------------- $150

------------------------------------------------------- $150



or 3 x monthly instalments of $360

Here’s how the PCA video is benefiting chiropractors:

"The Pre Care Appointment video is punchy and engaging for today's technology loving time poor practice members. It delivers the chiropractic message through inspiration rather than just education. If you want your practice members to be more inspired about the potential for them and their families then this is a great place to start."


- Dr Kane Albrecht and Dr Marjolein Volker

"This short presentation sets the perfect foundation for new practice members during their initial stage of care, which ties together the initial visit, report of findings and pre-care appointment very well."


- Alan Le

Here’s how the PCA given personally is impacting new people:

“Thought I'd share a little win from yesterday... I was giving a PCA to a new family who had their 4 month old checked. It was a great PCA, loads of questions, just very cool.
At the end the father of the family looks at the Journey chart and says, "So this is like the Apple of heath care then. Well designed, intuitive, integrated and it works." 
I had to stop myself from kissing him and hugging him and marrying him!


The mum is breastfeeding in the waiting area while her husband settled the bill and booked for their own checks too. The mum (who is a disillusioned GP) turns to me and says, "How would I go about studying Chiropractic?"




- Dr Greg Venning

We are so sure that you will be happy with the Journey Presentation pack that we will refund you your money back no questions asked if you are not 100% satisfied after using the products for 30 days.

Imagine how you will feel...

  • When new people get to your Report of Findings appointment looking forward to engaging with your care.
  • ​Having already made the choice to go through the first phase of care with you they realise that this is just the first step towards a new way of living.  
  • ​You don’t feel like you are selling, convincing or hoping in your report visits.  
  • ​The Report of Findings visits are simply honestly presented findings and optimal recommendations for care with people who understand the context that you are working from.  
  • ​Having people on the same page as you makes your job so much easier, more effective and more profitable.

We hope that you choose to help yourself, your practice and your practice members by choosing to get the Journey Resource Pack.

This offer is only available for a limited time so order now!

The Journey Resource Pack is priced to give you a quick return on your investment


For a fraction of what the value of just one practice member is worth, you get:

  • The PCA - to reposition their thinking.
  • The PCA questionnaire – to make sure that they understand the Journey. 
  • The RCA - to give them a rationale for care beyond symptoms.   
  • Your own branding on your presentations done professionally by our team.  
  • Implementation videos so you can get the most out of the resources.  
  • 2 Journey & 2 Spinal Decay posters for easy reference to display on your practice walls.  
  • The PowerPoint Presentation of both events so you can give them to groups.  
  • The entire scripts of the presentations.

Get your Journey Resource Pack today !



or 3 monthly instalments of $360

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